Category: Hair Care

Choosing The Right Conditioner

Choosing The Right Conditioner – A myth that continues to grow in the world of hair care refuses to die – the notion that hair conditioner is bad for your hair. Some people out there still believe that conditioner is the arch enemy of luscious locks, saying it weighs hair down, causes grease and leads to lifelong hair damage. That’s why we’re here to debunk this myth and let you know why conditioner isn’t just good, but essential for your hair’s health. Plus, we explore the fascinating world of hair types and guide you in choosing the right conditioner for your unique locks.

Simply put, conditioner acts as a moisturizing and conditioning product made up of ingredients like silicones, oils, emollients and cationic surfactants that help remove excess oils during washing and help replenish moisture lost in hair from shampooing. . 

Choosing The Right Conditioner

A variety of conditioners are … Read the rest

Winter Hair Care Routine

Winter Hair Care Routine – It’s that time of the year when it’s cold outside and the change in weather can affect your skin and hair if left untreated. Hair care is often difficult, especially in the winter, when your hair can dry out, lose its volume, and look weak while feeling limp and brittle. Therefore, taking care of your hair during winter is as important as taking care of your skin. To get your hair winter-ready, you need to follow a proper hair care routine that keeps your hair healthy and stylish. If you have suffered from dry and brittle hair with the onset of winter and are looking for hair care tips on how to maintain your hair’s health clean, read on!

Are you lazy when it comes to taking care of your hair? Hair loss caused by dandruff, dry scalp, and dull hair are signs of poor … Read the rest

How To Achieve Shiny Hair

How To Achieve Shiny Hair – Ah, the beloved “good hair day”…we’ve all experienced that feeling of invigorating the feeling of good hair, yet it falls far short of what we’d like. Beautiful silky, hair is guaranteed when you leave the salon, but these results are not always easy to achieve on your own. You’re probably wondering how you can replicate this luscious hairstyle at home, without a stylist? 

We know that getting this shiny hair can feel like it’s equal parts luck and genetics, however, you actually have more control over your hair than you think. Of course, living in a dry, windy climate and having naturally curly hair can mean a little more manual labor, but by incorporating a few tricks into your routine and adopting good hair habits, you can achieve shiny, healthy hair. I have always dreamed. 

How To Achieve Shiny Hair

If your hair is … Read the rest

Essential Vitamins For Hair Health

Essential Vitamins For Hair Health – This famous saying reminds us that nutrition is the foundation of health. As you age, it is important to maintain nutrition to maintain a healthy body, immune system and hair. It may surprise you to know that nutrition is the foundation of healthy hair: this is because healthy hair grows from the inside. 

Health is maintained by proper nutrition and protection. Staying nourished with a multivitamin that contains essential vitamins and minerals promotes a healthy immune system, glowing skin, strong nails and healthy hair. Hair health is only a reflection of your overall health and therefore takes time and determination to achieve.

Essential Vitamins For Hair Health

Vitamin A strengthens the immune system by preventing germs and bacteria from entering the body in the first place. It strengthens bones, nails and skin. Vitamin A is also essential for anti-aging as it produces retinol and … Read the rest

Hair Care Tips For Athletes

Hair Care Tips For Athletes – August 17, 2023 Should I Wash My Hair After Exercise? Finding the Best Post-Workout Hair Care Routine for Athletes

After an intense exercise session, you feel revitalized and accomplished before heading to the shower. But there’s a common dilemma many fitness enthusiasts face: Should I wash my hair after working out? Maintaining scalp hygiene and hair health is very important, but there needs to be a balance between this and over-washing, which can lead to problems. No one wants to walk around with a sweaty, greasy mat on their head, but if you exercise several times a week, you don’t want to strip your hair of natural oils by washing it after each workout. . In this blog, we will explore the effect of sweat on hair, factors to consider before deciding whether to wash hair, the benefits of washing hair after training, the … Read the rest


Summer Hair Care Tips

Summer Hair Care Tips – It’s that time of year again! While we love to spend endless days at the pool or beach, we all know how the heat and humidity can wreak havoc on our hair.

The sun’s strong rays can easily dry out our hair, causing uncontrollable frizz and breakage. Get into the habit of “summer proofing” your hair to prevent damage.

Summer Hair Care Tips

As you begin your summer activities, take a moment to look at some summer hair care tips to protect your hair.

Hair Care Tips For Summer

The salt content of seawater draws water from the hair and skin, while the chlorine strips the hair of its natural protective oils. Prepare your hair before and after swimming to protect against chlorine and salt water damage.

PRO TIP: Use Oway Sunway Sun Protection Elixir before heading out to protect hair from the damaging effects … Read the rest

Diy Hair Care Recipes

Diy Hair Care Recipes – Healthy, beautiful and shiny hair defines the beauty quotient of a woman. However, many of us have scalp problems, dryness, itchiness, split ends, hair loss or excessive hair loss due to poor diet, poor lifestyle, environmental pollution, occupational stress and sun exposure. However, if you want to show off beautiful locks, you should comb them regularly to improve the hair and scalp from the inside.

A hair mask at night can help a lot in this situation. Hair masks are known for their amazing ability to soften, soothe and calm all types of hair. The good natural ingredients in the overnight hair mask can improve your mane and treat all other hair problems.

Diy Hair Care Recipes

A hair mask at night can be defined as a hair treatment that combines a series of hair-friendly ingredients that can add strength, shine and volume to the … Read the rest