Tag Archives: Nail Colors

Nail Care During Winter

Nail Care During Winter – Do you have dry, cracked, brittle nails during the winter months? Have you tried several methods to fix dry nails with little success?

It’s not just your skin that dries out during the winter months; your nails are like that too! Nails are part of the body’s integument system (skin) and develop from the epidermis, the outer layer of the skin. The exact same cells that make up the outer layer of the skin also make up the nails. These cells harden more in the nails, but structurally they have many common characteristics and needs.

Nail Care During Winter

Natural oils hold the different layers of the nail together, so the cold and dry winter months and lots of hand washing with harsh soaps dry out this natural “glue”. It’s very similar to the dry skin you experience in the winter months.

Piggieluv: Wet Winter

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