Category: Makeup

How To Make Your Makeup Last All Day

How To Make Your Makeup Last All Day – Everygirl’s product selection is curated by the editorial team. If you purchase something through our links, we may receive an affiliate commission, at no cost. We only recommend products that we really love.

We all have those days when you look up from washing your hands in the afternoon, and in a moment of absolute horror, realize that your makeup doesn’t look like how you applied it. “Is this just the worst bathroom mirror of all or do I look bad all day?” It’s a question I ask myself a lot every week. Why is keeping your makeup on all day a seemingly impossible task?

How To Make Your Makeup Last All Day

One of the most frequent questions that makeup artist Elaine Barnett gets from her clients is how she gets her makeup to last. As a professional, she has … Read the rest

Vintage Makeup Styles To Try

Vintage Makeup Styles To Try – Welcome to the second part of the Dark Skin Retro Makeup series, exploring makeup from the 1940s, primarily during World War II. In Part 1 of a series blogging about the 1940s, I covered the impact of war on women’s everyday makeup. Here I introduce the colors and applications of cosmetics. To learn more about this series, please read my disclaimer.

In the 1940s, wearing heavy makeup was taboo. There’s a fine line between being too vain and being too self-indulgent. Allied governments, including the United States and Britain, were sincerely concerned that the domestic pressures the war put on women would affect their personal grooming habits, damaging everyone’s morale. Propaganda during World War II often reminded women that beauty was in the interests of the war effort.

Vintage Makeup Styles To Try

Side note: Hitler actually tried to ban cosmetics in Germany as … Read the rest